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"Homeshare has been a lifeline during this pandemic"

See what Olivia, householder's daughter has to say about how homesharing has helped during the coronavirus pandemic.

Our 93 year old mother has had 2 Novus homeshares who have all been good but her current homesharer is on totally different scale;

She has been a lifeline to Mum and particularly during this pandemic.

Without her, Mum would have spiraled in to a terrible depression as self-isolation for a 93 year old woman with no ability to communicate other than the phone, would not bear thinking about.

We are all in self-isolation and can only call her throughout the day and help with on-line shops. The homesharer's own family live in another country and she has so much to contend with but selflessly she puts mum and her needs first.

We will be forever grateful to her.

We communicate constantly and if we have learned anything form Mum’s last two homesharers is that regular communication is key.

I just want to say that we have been so delighted with Novus-Homeshare.

You have been incredible and have shown a huge amount of care and compassion towards Mum.This has continued throughout.

*Disclaimer the names have been changed to protect the privacy of the individual.

If you or someone you know would benefit from Homesharing, call us today for more information or alternatively, apply online!

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