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Homesharers are Silent Heroes

They say that your home is your castle, but what is a castle when you have no one to share it with?

We all know what it’s like to come home after a long day and all you want to do is sit back and relax, maybe have a nice cup of tea or watch TV. If you live with your parents, children, partner you may have to cook dinner, or wait for them to prepare the food but at least you know sooner or later you’ll be able to enjoy the meal and share your stories of the day.

Unfortunately not everyone is quite so lucky. The basic human need for companionship can be harder for some people and that can lead them to feel alone and isolated.

Because of this, Novus Homeshare made it their mission to tackle loneliness through helping people.

A homesharer is a person who is looking for a home in London and who is willing to give up some of their spare time to look after a householder, whether it’s sitting down and watching strictly come dancing, to doing the dishes or making the bed, the tasks vary but the main benefit is that it provides companionship, sometimes even a lifelong friendship. We are social creatures and sometimes all you need to make a difference is to be someone’s friend.

We believe that homesharers are silent heroes. They are helping hundreds of people around London and are bringing newfound happiness into peoples lives, supporting vulnerable people whilst allowing them to retain their independence. Because isn’t it all our wish to be able to live in the comfort of our own home for as long as possible?

Homesharers don’t have to be strangers, often they are people looking to start a new journey in their lives and want to forge new relationships. They can be a friend, a confidant or even an honorary family member.

I didn’t realise how much living with my householder would help them, but since I moved in with Ann she has become a new person” – A Novus Homesharer

It is amazing how the simple things that seem so ordinary to you or me, like just talking to someone over dinner can revitalise someone’s life. Something we take for granted, like having an extra helping hand can be so important to someone else. And homesharers are part of the solution.

Together we can tackle loneliness. We can give people the chance to rediscover happiness. Providing a person with a place to live seems like a small price to pay when it comes to what you can receive, support, security and companionship.

If we can help even just one person feel safe and secure then it makes the world that much happier. Homesharers are silent heroes, people helping people.


By definition Homesharers are people who may not be able to afford to live on their own and look to find cheaper accommodation in a home with another person. A Novus Homesharer is someone who may fall into that certain criteria but who also looks to make a difference and provide an alternative to someone who is elderly or vulnerable. Homesharers provide support to a householder and most importantly, are there for companionship.

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